Lago di Vico
Fishing on Lake Vico
photo by: Louise Tisdale, England
E' questo un lago vulcanico, situato a 507 mslm. La sua area misura
12 kmq le sponde del lago sono ricche di vegetazione. Le coste del
lago sono selvagge con la sola eccezione della sponda sud-est dov'è
il centro turistico di Punta del Lago.
It's a volcanic lake, situated at 507 meters of altitude. Its
area measure 12 sq km and is encircled from rich vegetation. The
coasts are wild, except in the south-east where is the tourist center
of Punta del Lago.
Lake Vico is located in North Lazio at the bottom of a volcanic
crater. The lake is surrounded by mountains, such as the vast Mount
Venere. The lake is some 15 sq metres and good for fishing. Although
it is fairly dificult to reach because of the dense vegetation,
recently a tourist area was developed on the northern side where
you can swim and do some fishing.

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