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Veio (Veii)

Gorgon Antefix from the temple at Portonaccio

The ruins of Veii are located about 20 km northwest of Rome. Veii was the greatest centre for the fabrication of terra-cotta sculptures in Etruria in the 6th century BCE. The town had hegemony over Rome in the 7th and 6th centuries; but a subsequent series of wars eventually ended in its destruction. In its heyday Veii was as big as Athens and had a population of about 100,000 inhabitants.

In origin, Veii appears to have been a conglomeration of Villanovan villages during the 9th and 8th centuries BCE, the graveyards of which occupied the rocky plains around the city. One of the chambered tombs, the Grotta Campana, contains the oldest known Etruscan frescoes. The ashes of the dead were stored in burial urns surmounted by archaic terra-cotta portrait heads. Nearby are the remains of the Temple of Portonaccio, home of the terra-cotta statue of the "Apollo of Veii" by Vulca and also a temple shrine dedicated to the neighbouring Cremera River.

Although the Etruscan monarchy had been pulled down late in the Sixth Century BCE, traditionally in 509, many Etruscan city - states remained powerful for another two centuries and a threat to Rome for at least one hundred twenty years until its defeat in 396 BCE.

Veii was the only city - state in Rome's immediate vicinity considered powerful enough to be a serious threat to Rome's continued growth and expansion, and even Rome's very survival. was at stake. Rome and Veii were physically too close to one another and too well matched in strength for any treaty between the two to adequately guarantee the safety of one from the other.

In the 480's BCE, the Fabian Gens was one of the most powerful familial groups in Rome. The Fabii had major Etruscan connections and owned a considerable tract of land between Rome and Veii. A major strategic point on the Via Salaria, or Salt Road between Rome and Veii was where the stream Cremora joined the Tiber. The Fabii and the Veians came into conflict with each other during this period, mainly through mutual cattle raiding. Then, the Fabii built a defensive blockhouse at the Cremora which the Veians considered a challenge thrown in their teeth. Now the Fabii had raised a large semi - private army who owed their allegiance not to the Roman state but to the Fabian Gens. Thre hundred of the Fabii and their clients occupied the blockhouse with intentions of holding this strongpoint against Veii in 476. This led to the Battle of the Cremora in which three hundred Fabii were killed and the area was abandoned to the Veiians. Another strategic town occupied at this time by the Veiians was Fidemae, also at the confluence of the Cremora and the Tiber. The Veiians now controlled the entire west bank of the Tiber which included the Janiculum Hill which overlooked Rome. The stage was now set for a decisive showdown between the two cities.

The Romans had seen this coming for many years in advance. The new Republican government had been established under the leadership of two civilian magistrates, the Consuls for each year. In 444 BCE, they replaced the two civilian consuls with three military officers with consular powers -- the tribuni militum consularii potestate. Two other magistrates, the Censors, were instituted whose term of office lasted eighteen months. The responsibility of the censors was to examine the property rolls of the citizend of Rome and determine who had the privelege and responsibility of military service, and whether his property qualified him as an equestrian or infantry warrior. Military service was not an option to men of little or no property, a situation which Rome later found necessary to change during periods of crisis.

Less than a year after Cremora came the crushing defeat of the Etruscan navy off Cumae. Veii was forced to make a treaty with Rome in spite of the recent victory at Cremora.

Fidemae was first retaken from Veii, and then the city of Veii itself came under siege. According to tradition the Siege of Veii lasted 10 years from 406 to 396 BCE (although subsequent information indicates that it only lasted 6 years). This heroic legend was invented in order to draw a parallel with the ten year Siege of Troy of Homeric legend. The actual siege of Veii lasted probably 6 years and was broken when the Romans diverted the drainage channel that supplied water to the city. Roman soldiers sneaked under the wall through the now diverted stream bed and let their comrades in through the locked gates.

Remains of houses at Veii

The capture of the Etruscan city of Veii in 396 BC by the soldier and statesman Marcus Furius Camillus spelled the beginning of the end for Etruscan independence. The Romans destroyed much of the city of Veii, driving off the inhabitants and parceling out the captured land to their own citizens. This is in contrast to the way Rome's former rivals were treated upon their defeat, which was to incorporate the defeated city into the growing state of Rome. Veii was such a dangerous enemy that, evidently, the Romans wanted there to be no chance of their eventual recovery and renewal of their position as a threat to Rome. It set a new and more sinister precedent in Rome's treatment of vanquished enemies.


Model of the temple at Portonaccio
The podium of the temple as it is today

Although the city of Veii was well known through the writings of Dionysius of Halicarnasso and Livius, for a long time, the location of Veii was forgotten. It was only rediscovered in the 1840's. A number of tombs were discovered nearby. These included the Campana tomb, named after its discoverer the Marchese Campana; the tomb of the ducks, dated at about 680 BCE and believed to have the oldest wall paintings in Etruria.

In the early 20th Century, the temple of Portonaccia was discovered and with it such masterpieces as the Apollo of Vulca and the Mother and child statue. On discovering the Apollo in 1916, the Italian archaeologist G. Giglioli was so overcome with emotion that he smothered it with kisses. The Apollo is considered one of the masterpieces of the Etruscan sculptor Vulca, and is a formidable and moving sight in the Villa Giulia Museum in Rome.

Timeline For Veii

8th Century BCE
650 BCE:
560 BCE (approx):
483 - 474 BCE:
474 BCE:
438 - 425 BCE:
428 BCE:
406 BCE:
396 BCE:
First Settlement by Etruscans
First Necropolis built
Revolt of the Vibenna brothers
Early wars of Rome with Veii
Defeat of Etruscan fleet at Cumae
Veii's second war with Rome
Death of Lars Tolumnius, Lauchum of Veii
Start of Siege of Veii
Fall of Veii

Parco di Veio
The territory of the Park is extremely rich in historical and artistic resources. The most ancient evidences date back to the Etruscan age: among the others, the prestigious remains of the ancient town of Veio with its entrances, like the natural entrance of Ponte Sodo dating back to the 5th century BC, which is one of the most suggestive. In the tufaceous plains surrounding the remains of the towns there are several necropolis and the famous "Tomba delle Anatre", which is considered the most ancient painted grave in Italy, dating back to the 7th century BC.
The communication structures among Veio, Rome and the nearby Etruscan centers are still clearly visible: via Cassia, via Veientana and a transversal communication axis with via Flaminia and the Tiber Valley. Among the Etruscan evidences, the sanctuary of Apollo (6th century BC) is worth a mention: it is situated in the locality Isola Farnese and actually dedicated to Minerva. It is possible to see the rests of the t
emple, of the swimming pool, and of the sacred area where the famous statue of the god Apollo was found. The statue is nowadays preserved in the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia in Rome.

Some great and luxurious buildings date back to the Roman period: among them, Livia's villa, built during the 1st century BC near Prima Porta; Lucio Vero's villa, near Nero's Grave (at about km 9 of the Cassia); Casale Ghella's villa (km 11 of the Cassia) and the Graves Celsa (km 12,7 of the Flaminia Vecchia), of the Nasoni and of Fadilla (both dating back to the 2nd century AD); moreover, the columbaria of Porta di Capena near Veio.
In the territory of the Patrimonio di S. Pietro in Tuscia, several agricultural firms called "domuscultae" were founded in the Middle Ages. The towers of the Cornacchie (km 14,8 of via Cassia), of Porta Pertusa (km 18 of Flaminia) and of Prima Porta also date back to this period.

Of great importance are the castle and the village of Isola Farnese (10th-11th century AD) and the Sanctuary of the Sorbo (15th century AD), the Mola Paradisi (16th century AD), the Casale Malborghetto (at km 19,7 of Flaminia) and the town Belmonte near Castelnuovo di Porto.

It was the southernmost Etruscan town, situated on a large volcanic plain at about 17 km north-west of Rome, delimited by the watercourses Fosso del Piordo and Valchetta (the ancient Crèmera). At the south-eastern edge of the plateau, there was the acropolis called "Piazza d'Armi". The town flourished around the 6th and 5th century BC. The agriculture, the flourishing artistic production, and the fruitful trading activities led to the wars against Rome for the control of the river Tiber. After ten years of siege, Veio fell under Furio Camillo in 396 BC. Subsequent news on the history of the territory can be found with the birth of the rural colony of in the 9th century AD and with the fortress Castrum Insulae, Isola Farnese, in the 11th century. The several finds which have been discovered are preserved in the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia in Rome.

The settlement of Belmonte, at about one kilometer and a half from Castelnuovo di Porto, is situated in a position dominating a large valley on the left of the via Flaminia. Belmonte was an Etruscan oppidum, probably founded by the settlers of the town of Veio around the 7th century BC. On the southern-western side it is still possible to see the remains of the walls which were directly built on the edge of the cliff through foundations set in the outcropping tuff. The walls have a width of 1,90 meters and are preserved for a height of 1,60 meters; within them there is an inclined filling embankment (ager), containing very small fragments of ceramics which can be dated back to the period between the 3rd and the 2nd century BC. Even if we do not have many documents about it, the settlement was inhabited since the Middle Ages: as a matter of fact, the rests of the tower situated in the highest part of the plain date back to the 12th century.

At the Km 19,200 of the via Flaminia there is the Casale di Malborghetto: the building reminds of a brick tower, but the farmhouse derives from a four-front arch dating back to the first half of the 4th century AD. The most convincing hypothesis is that the monument was built to celebrate the victory of Constantine over Maxentius in 312 AD. Since then, the building has been subject to subsequent changes: however, the structure of the brick Roman arch is still clearly visible.

The elements which have been found allowed a reconstruction with couples of Corinthian columns in front of each pillar, on the major side. It is possible to visit the interior of the monument, since it is used as a museum; it houses remains which have been found in the adjacent area and very near the farmhouse and date back to the Etruscan and Roman epochs and to the Renaissance. In the small park surrounding the monument it is possible to observe some parts of the 13th century AD walls and the southern entrance made of little blocks of tuff belonging to the medieval district.

Museum of Villa Giulia
(entrance on payment)
In 1889 the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia was established: it is housed in the 16th century villa which pope Giulio III wanted to build at the beginning of via Flaminia. Artists like Vignola, Vasari and Michelangelo worked at the project.

The museum gathers archaeological material coming from several towns of Southern Etruria, excluding Tarquinia, and from some centers in Umbria and Lazio. Moreover, there are collections belonging to the State and collections gathered by the Pope's State.
The frescoes and the park of the villa, the bookshop near the ticket office, the didactic area for students and the orangery complete the frame.

Valli del Sorbo
A scantly populated area between the Towns of Campagnano di Roma and Formello, it has preserved a landscape which is in some cases natural and wild. The place was already known in the 10th century as a castle; at the beginning of the 15th century a monastery was built on the ruins of the destroyed castle, and the place was called Madonna del Sorbo.

The valleys of the Sorbo are crossed by the river Crèmera, an affluent of the river Tiber, with its gorges and wide clearings. The 40-50 meter high cliff of volcanic rock on which the sanctuary was built is very suggestive. The action of man determined the formation of wide areas of pastures where still nowadays cows and horses are bred in a wild state.